Py00: An Introduction to the Python Language

Py00: An Introduction to Python

    Python is one of the today's most widely used language. It is an interpreted language for general purpose programming which is used in various fields like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Web App Development, Scientific Computing, etc.

    So, that is for the little introduction to the language. Now, what to expect from this tutorial. Well, honestly I've also used a lot of great tutorial from various websites, and sometimes several tutorials for a single topic in Python. So, it won't be exactly similar to those post. Here is the roadmap which this tutorial will loosely follow (there will also be some Python extras):

  • Installation and Introduction
  • Control Statements
  • Functions
  • Classes
  • Useful Modules
  • Various Interesting Modules
  • Various Python Interesting Features
  • Importance of Virtual Environments in Python
  • PEP8 Standards (where to follow and where to ignore)
  • etc.
So, the above scheme might look like various other tutorial but here it will be slightly different.
One thing I've noticed in my learning experience that catching up to the basics concept is simple but what next. Several questions go through the head of the learner like, where to apply the concepts or why we did something in a certain way, and how to test my current Python knowledge.

Due to above reasons, these are the following things we are going to follow in this tutorial:
  1. Each post will be short and mostly concentrated on one topic/module
  2. The examples in each tutorial will be available in a GitHub repository (
  3. And most importantly each post will be containing an exercise for the reader at the end, for practicing the concept learned in the blog.
  4. The solutions of the exercise will be available in the same GitHub repository, but it is strongly advised to try the exercise, find the solution yourself and then if still there is problem look at the solution.
  5. Also, the method used in the repository might be different from your approach, so, I will try my best to make sure that I justify my approach to you.
  6. Each solution in the repository will be following PEP8 ( rules to make the reader familiar with the Python coding standards. Don't worry if you are not able to follow those rules in the starting, but we will try to write quality code from the very beginning to enforce ourselves to not only write but also create beautiful code.
  7. Wherever you see this image,
    , it could be a citation to the stated fact or a link to resource for you to read more.
  8. Please be respectful in comments section, so that we can all learn together.
That's all for the rules. Let's move forward with Python. 
